path: root/src/components/Form/Items/AddNewItemForm.js
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-06-10added sgst, cgst, igst support instead of GST as a wholeMikunoNaka
2021-05-05Bug Fix: now the app won't crash if there are no saved items in DBMikunoNaka
2021-05-05made the code less error prone and more oriented towards the functional paradigmMikunoNaka
2021-05-05fixed broken API routes and css glitch in formMikunoNaka
2021-05-03added some features and many bugs to DocumentInfoFormMikunoNaka
2021-05-02fixed errors and added new incomplete form to register a new clientMikunoNaka
2021-05-02organised the Form components into more directoriesMikunoNaka