GoFileServerSimple GTK3 HTTP file server written in go Vidhu Kant Sharma19 months
LibManAdmin Panel (With a Swing GUI) for a Java project I was forced to write Vidhu Kant Sharma3 months
LibManClientUser Panel (With a Swing GUI) for a Java project I was forced to write Vidhu Kant Sharma3 months
MAL2GoMyAnimeList V2 API wrapper for Go Vidhu Kant Sharma19 months
OpenBills-server-oldLibre billing software Vidhu Kant Sharma
OpenBills-web-oldWeb Based OpenBills Client Vidhu Kant Sharma19 months
ZeHenti-botIt's just a bot I created because I was bored (and also had a test that day but ...Vidhu Kant Sharma
discord-custom-inputMerge two or more audio streams to share desktop audio on discord/any other prog...Vidhu Kant Sharma
dmenuMy dmenu config Vidhu Kant Sharma16 months
doom-one.vimA dark colorschme for vim, ported from doom-emacs' doom-one theme. Vidhu Kant Sharma19 months
dotsThese are my config files and I treasure them Vidhu Kant Sharma4 months
dots-oldVidhu Kant's dotfiles, doesn't include dwm and st Vidhu Kant Sharma19 months
hell-correspondenceReal life version of hell correspondence site from Hell Girl manga, except it wo...Vidhu Kant Sharma
hell-linkbetter version of my hell-correspondence project Vidhu Kant Sharma19 months
konvertPySide6 app to bulk convert all HEIC images to PNG in a directory with Pillow Vidhu Kant Sharma6 months
maclimacli - Unofficial CLI-Based MyAnimeList Client Vidhu Kant Sharma9 months
mal-authtoken-generatorSimple python script to generate your own MyAnimeList OAuth authentication token...Vidhu Kant Sharma
maltokenA go package for the MyAnimeList OAuth mechanism Vidhu Kant Sharma9 months
maltoken-cliMyAnimeList auth token generator Vidhu Kant Sharma15 months
meowGet search results from Nyaa through web scraping with GoLang Vidhu Kant Sharma9 months
mgMyAnimeList to Go API wrapper Vidhu Kant Sharma15 months
openbillsServer for web based libre billing software Vidhu Kant Sharma7 months
openbills-clientOpenBills client written in Dart Vidhu Kant Sharma17 months
openbills-legacyOpen source browser based invoicing software for standalone clients Vidhu Kant Sharma
openbills-webYet another OpenBills rewrite Vidhu Kant Sharma14 months
openbills-yew(dropped project) OpenBills Web Client rewrite in Yew Vidhu Kant Sharma17 months
tic-tac-toeShitty but open source and multiplayer tic tac toe Vidhu Kant Sharma19 months
vidhublogVidhu Kant's Blog Vidhu Kant Sharma
vidhukant-hugoVidhu Kant's Hugo theme Vidhu Kant Sharma18 months
vidhukant.comMy personal website & blog made with zola Vidhu Kant Sharma2 weeks website's markdown content. The hugo theme used is Kant Sharma14 months
zt-hugoMy very own hugo theme. Vidhu Kant Sharma15 months
zt_hugoMy very own OTHER hugo theme. Vidhu Kant Sharma15 months