path: root/herbstluftwm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'herbstluftwm')
7 files changed, 12 insertions, 158 deletions
diff --git a/herbstluftwm/autostart b/herbstluftwm/autostart
index 9874f60e..b0b063a0 100755
--- a/herbstluftwm/autostart
+++ b/herbstluftwm/autostart
@@ -4,32 +4,26 @@ hc() {
hc emit_hook reload
-# remove all existing keybindings
+# remove all existing keybindings
hc keyunbind --all
# focus follows mouse
hc set focus_follows_mouse 1
Mod=Mod4 # Use the super key as the main modifier
# keybindings (rest are handled by sxhkd)
hc keybind $Mod-Shift-q quit
hc keybind $Mod-Shift-r reload
hc keybind Mod1-w close
-hc keybind $Mod-Return spawn "${TERMINAL:-konsole}"
-# splitting frames
-# create an empty frame at the specified direction
-hc keybind $Mod-a split bottom 0.5
-hc keybind $Mod-s split right 0.5
-# let the current frame explode into subframes
-# hc keybind $Mod-f split explode
+hc keybind $Mod-Return spawn st
# for resizing frames and floating clients
# tags
-tag_names=( {1..9} 0 )
+# if I don't add the period to the last tag, it messes up lemonbar
+tag_names=( 一, 二, 三, 四, 五, 六, 七, 八, 九, 十, 十一, 十二, 十三. )
tag_keys=( {1..9} 0 )
hc rename default "${tag_names[0]}" || true
@@ -42,12 +36,10 @@ for i in "${!tag_names[@]}" ; do
-# layouting
-hc keybind $Mod-d remove
-# The following cycles through the available layouts within a frame, but skips
-# layouts, if the layout change wouldn't affect the actual window positions.
-# I.e. if there are two windows within a frame, the grid layout is skipped.
-hc keybind Mod1-space \
+# cycle through layouts while
+# ignoring the layouts which won't
+# make a difference
+hc keybind Mod4-space \
or , and . compare tags.focus.curframe_wcount = 2 \
. cycle_layout +1 vertical horizontal max vertical grid \
, cycle_layout +1
@@ -121,10 +113,5 @@ hc unlock
# or simply:
# hc detect_monitors
-# find the panel
-[ -x "$panel" ] || panel=/etc/xdg/herbstluftwm/panel.sh
-for monitor in $(hc list_monitors | cut -d: -f1) ; do
- # start it on each monitor
- "$panel" "$monitor" &
+# launch the panel
diff --git a/herbstluftwm/bar/functions/sysinfo b/herbstluftwm/bar/functions/sysinfo
deleted file mode 100755
index a377c600..00000000
--- a/herbstluftwm/bar/functions/sysinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-date_time() {
- datetime=$(date +"%d %b(%A) %H:%M")
- echo $datetime
-cpu_load() {
- read cpu a b c previdle rest < /proc/stat
- prevtotal=$((a+b+c+previdle))
- sleep 0.5
- read cpu a b c idle rest < /proc/stat
- total=$((a+b+c+idle))
- cpu=$((100*( (total-prevtotal) - (idle-previdle) ) / (total-prevtotal) ))
- echo -e "CPU: $cpu%"
-cpu_temp() {
- CEL=$'\xc2\xb0C'
- temp=$( cat /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp )
- temp=`expr $temp / 1000`
- echo "TEMP: " $temp$CEL
-root_usage() {
- root=$(df -h / | awk 'NR==2 {print $4 "/" $2}')
- echo "ROOT: "$root
-home_usage() {
- home=$(df -h /home | awk 'NR==2 {print $4 "/" $2}')
- echo "HOME: "$home
-mem_usage() {
- mem=$(free -m | grep Mem: | awk '{print$3 / $2 * 100}')
- printf "MEM: %.0f %%" $mem
-while :; do
- echo $(date_time) > /home/zt/.cache/lemon/clock
- echo $(cpu_load) > /home/zt/.cache/lemon/cpu_load
- echo $(cpu_temp) > /home/zt/.cache/lemon/cpu_temp
- echo $(root_usage) > /home/zt/.cache/lemon/disk_root
- echo $(home_usage) > /home/zt/.cache/lemon/disk_home
- echo $(mem_usage) > /home/zt/.cache/lemon/mem
- sleep 3
diff --git a/herbstluftwm/bar/functions/volume_info b/herbstluftwm/bar/functions/volume_info
deleted file mode 100755
index e5d06f8d..00000000
--- a/herbstluftwm/bar/functions/volume_info
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-echo $(pamixer --get-volume-human) > /home/zt/.cache/lemon/volume
diff --git a/herbstluftwm/bar/functions/weather b/herbstluftwm/bar/functions/weather
deleted file mode 100755
index df6cf24b..00000000
--- a/herbstluftwm/bar/functions/weather
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-get_current_temp() {
- if [ $stat = "Smoke" ] || [ $stat = "Sunny" ]; then
- temp=$(curl wttr.in | grep °C | awk 'NR==1 {print $4 "°C"}' | sed -r "s/\x1B\[(([0-9]+)(;[0-9]+)*)?[m,K,H,f,J]//g")
- else
- temp=$(curl wttr.in | grep °C | awk 'NR==1 {print $9 "°C"}' | sed -r "s/\x1B\[(([0-9]+)(;[0-9]+)*)?[m,K,H,f,J]//g")
- fi
- echo $temp
-get_current_weather() {
- stat=$(curl wttr.in | awk 'NR==3 {print $1}')
- echo $(get_current_temp)"("$stat")"
-while :; do
- echo $(get_current_weather) > /home/zt/.cache/lemon/weather
- sleep 3600
diff --git a/herbstluftwm/bar/launch b/herbstluftwm/bar/launch
deleted file mode 100755
index 1b8f46bd..00000000
--- a/herbstluftwm/bar/launch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# kill running scripts, just in case they are
-killall sysinfo weather ws_bar sysinfo_bar lemonbar
-./functions/sysinfo &
-./functions/weather &
-./ws_bar | lemonbar -g 600x21+0+0 -B '#00000000' -p -F '#ffffff' -f "Source Han Sans JP:size=10" -o -3 -f "RobotoMono Nerd Font:style=Regular:size=15" -f -n "workspaceinfo-bar" -o 0 &
-./sysinfo_bar | lemonbar -g 1020x21+346+0 -B '#171520' -p -F '#ffffff' -f "Source Han Sans JP:size=10" -o -3 -f "RobotoMono Nerd Font:style=Regular:size=15" -f -n "sysinfo-bar" -o 0
diff --git a/herbstluftwm/bar/sysinfo_bar b/herbstluftwm/bar/sysinfo_bar
deleted file mode 100755
index 83158c50..00000000
--- a/herbstluftwm/bar/sysinfo_bar
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-right_modules() {
- clock=$(</home/zt/.cache/lemon/clock)
- volume=$(</home/zt/.cache/lemon/volume)
- root=$(</home/zt/.cache/lemon/disk_root)
- home=$(</home/zt/.cache/lemon/disk_home)
- mem=$(</home/zt/.cache/lemon/mem)
- cpu_load=$(</home/zt/.cache/lemon/cpu_load)
- cpu_temp=$(</home/zt/.cache/lemon/cpu_temp)
- weather=$(</home/zt/.cache/lemon/weather)
- echo $A0$A1$weather$A2$cpu_temp$A1$cpu_load$A2$mem$A1$root$A2$home$A1$volume$A2$clock$A1
-while :; do
- echo "%{r}"$(right_modules)
- sleep 0.1
diff --git a/herbstluftwm/bar/ws_bar b/herbstluftwm/bar/ws_bar
deleted file mode 100755
index f45b316c..00000000
--- a/herbstluftwm/bar/ws_bar
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-import datetime
-import time
-import os
-def getTags():
- tags = os.popen("herbstclient tag_status").read().split() # get tags in a list
- for i in range(len(tags)):
- tag = tags[i]
- if tag[0] == ':':
- tags[i] = ' ' + tag[1:-1] + ' ' # format occupied tags
- elif tag[0] == '#':
- tags[i] = '%{F#6c71c4}%{B#d33682}%{F-} ' + tag[1:-1] + '%{F#d33682} %{B#268bd2}%{F-}' # format active tag
- else:
- tags[i] = '%{F#443837} ' + tag[1:-1] + '%{F-} ' # format other tags
- return '%{B#6c71c4} ' + ' '.join((str(x) for x in tags)) + '%{B-}' + '%{F#268bd2}%{F-}' # return formatted list in a cleaner form
-while True:
- time.sleep(0.3) # be nice to the CPU
- output = getTags()
- os.system("echo '" + output + "'") # for some reason print() messes up everythingt