path: root/zsh
diff options
authorVidhu Kant Sharma <bokuwakanojogahoshii@yahoo.com>2020-12-20 19:44:55 +0530
committerVidhu Kant Sharma <bokuwakanojogahoshii@yahoo.com>2020-12-20 19:44:55 +0530
commit30a8b4a634491a3db797b210b0b32c19b6d2be9d (patch)
treea4d52e634621b6c78ef5046313f1c65e8d14bc14 /zsh
parent005f38b3a5a24447d8f27c48a67d6129ff38f7de (diff)
placed .zshrc in the right directory
Diffstat (limited to 'zsh')
1 files changed, 38 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/zsh/.zshrc b/zsh/.zshrc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..403a44a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zsh/.zshrc
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+setopt autocd beep notify
+bindkey -v
+colorscript random
+# autoload -U colors && colors
+# source /home/zt/.local/zsh-autocomplete/zsh-autocomplete.plugin.zsh
+# paths
+export GOPATH="/zt/Docs/Go/"
+export PATH=/zt/Docs/Go:$PATH
+export PATH=/home/zt/.config/scripts:$PATH
+export PATH=/zt/Programs:$PATH
+export PATH=/home/zt/.local/bin:$PATH
+export PATH=/zt/Docs/GoMinder:$PATH
+export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
+# aliases
+# directories
+alias waifu='cd /zt/waifu'
+alias docs='cd /zt/Docs'
+alias zt='/zt/'
+alias progs='/zt/Programs/'
+alias scripts='~/.config/scripts/'
+alias goproj='/zt/Docs/Go/src/github.com/MikunoNaka'
+# programs
+alias pf='clear && pfetch'
+alias rm='rm -i'
+alias ls='exa -l'
+alias la='exa -a'
+alias lsa='exa -al'
+alias nf='neofetch'
+eval "$(starship init zsh)"
+# syntax highlighting, needs to be at the end
+source /usr/share/zsh/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh