path: root/.themes/oomox-Awkward/unity/modes/ubuntu-square.svg
diff options
authorVidhu Kant Sharma <bokuwakanojogahoshii@yahoo.com>2021-02-19 23:40:47 +0530
committerVidhu Kant Sharma <bokuwakanojogahoshii@yahoo.com>2021-02-19 23:40:47 +0530
commitff093188fe7450294cf14c6c94caf10f32f9f1b1 (patch)
treed558d139bbfaafa5d621034ff85dd563f7cfd423 /.themes/oomox-Awkward/unity/modes/ubuntu-square.svg
parent21eea21ac0bc4f8cf1fd637e305c5f3b94218e30 (diff)
created a gtk oomox theme to match the terminal
Diffstat (limited to '.themes/oomox-Awkward/unity/modes/ubuntu-square.svg')
1 files changed, 69 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.themes/oomox-Awkward/unity/modes/ubuntu-square.svg b/.themes/oomox-Awkward/unity/modes/ubuntu-square.svg
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