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Diffstat (limited to '.icons/awkward/64x64/devices')
136 files changed, 904 insertions, 0 deletions
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3,-1.343146 3,-3 0,-1.656854 -1.343146,-3 -3,-3 l -11,0 0,-8.164062 c 8.824348,-0.91324 13.881586,-5.792466 16.070312,-10.589844 2.426688,-5.318958 1.91797,-9.507374 1.91797,-9.507374 -0.106752,-1.570973 -1.409788,-2.792142 -2.984376,-2.796876 z"/> + <rect style="opacity:0.2" width="30" height="26" x="-37" y="-45" rx="12.501" ry="13" transform="matrix(0,-1,-1,0,0,0)"/> + <path style="fill:#4f4f4f;fill-rule:evenodd" d="m 50.003906,20.941844 c -1.787259,-0.0054 -3.182826,1.543241 -2.992188,3.320312 0,0 0.280978,2.810708 -1.398436,6.49175 C 43.933866,34.434948 40.868282,38 32,38 23.13172,38 20.066134,34.434948 18.386718,30.753906 c -1.679415,-3.681042 -1.398437,-6.49175 -1.398437,-6.49175 0.184356,-1.80114 -1.256528,-3.353989 -3.066406,-3.304687 -1.540329,0.04223 -2.798235,1.244413 -2.910156,2.781251 0,0 -0.508719,4.188416 1.917968,9.507374 C 15.118413,38.043472 20.175652,42.922698 29,43.835938 L 29,52 18,52 c -1.656855,0 -3,1.343146 -3,3 0,1.656854 1.343145,3 3,3 l 28,0 c 1.656854,0 3,-1.343146 3,-3 0,-1.656854 -1.343146,-3 -3,-3 l -11,0 0,-8.164062 c 8.824348,-0.91324 13.881586,-5.792466 16.070312,-10.589844 2.426688,-5.318958 1.91797,-9.507374 1.91797,-9.507374 -0.106752,-1.570973 -1.409788,-2.792142 -2.984376,-2.796876 z"/> + <rect style="fill:#8e8e8e" width="30" height="26" x="-36" y="-45" rx="12.501" ry="13" transform="matrix(0,-1,-1,0,0,0)"/> + <path style="opacity:0.1;fill:#ffffff" d="M 32,6 C 24.798,6 19,11.574654 19,18.5 l 0,1 C 19,12.574654 24.798,7 32,7 c 7.202,0 13,5.574654 13,12.5 l 0,-1 C 45,11.574654 39.202,6 32,6 Z"/> + <path style="opacity:0.1;fill:#ffffff;fill-rule:evenodd" d="M 50.003906 20.941406 C 48.216647 20.936006 46.821081 22.484648 47.011719 24.261719 C 47.011719 24.261719 47.016389 24.441061 47.021484 24.5625 C 47.20701 23.098305 48.456975 21.936732 50.003906 21.941406 C 51.578494 21.94614 52.881529 23.167308 52.988281 24.738281 C 52.988281 24.738281 53.008369 25.018148 53.021484 25.337891 C 53.059451 24.325367 52.988281 23.738281 52.988281 23.738281 C 52.881529 22.167308 51.578494 20.94614 50.003906 20.941406 z M 13.921875 20.957031 C 12.381546 20.999261 11.12364 22.201443 11.011719 23.738281 C 11.011719 23.738281 10.94055 24.325367 10.978516 25.337891 C 10.991631 25.018148 11.011719 24.738281 11.011719 24.738281 C 11.12364 23.201443 12.381546 21.999261 13.921875 21.957031 C 15.494119 21.914203 16.784779 23.082574 16.976562 24.570312 C 16.981716 24.442617 16.988281 24.261719 16.988281 24.261719 C 17.172637 22.460579 15.731753 20.907729 13.921875 20.957031 z M 16.986328 25.009766 C 16.984795 25.094416 16.997076 25.175791 16.988281 25.261719 C 16.988281 25.261719 16.707304 28.072864 18.386719 31.753906 C 20.066135 35.434948 23.13172 39 32 39 C 40.868282 39 43.933865 35.434948 45.613281 31.753906 C 47.292695 28.072864 47.011719 25.261719 47.011719 25.261719 C 47.003371 25.183905 47.014084 25.110029 47.011719 25.033203 C 46.988523 26.091457 46.788871 28.177177 45.613281 30.753906 C 43.933865 34.434948 40.868282 38 32 38 C 23.13172 38 20.066135 34.434948 18.386719 30.753906 C 17.203922 28.161382 17.007329 26.061011 16.986328 25.009766 z M 18 52 C 16.343145 52 15 53.343146 15 55 C 15 55.171057 15.023281 55.336764 15.050781 55.5 C 15.289646 54.08213 16.514202 53 18 53 L 29 53 L 29 52 L 18 52 z M 35 52 L 35 53 L 46 53 C 47.485797 53 48.710354 54.08213 48.949219 55.5 C 48.976719 55.336764 49 55.171057 49 55 C 49 53.343146 47.656854 52 46 52 L 35 52 z"/> +</svg> diff --git a/.icons/awkward/64x64/devices/audio-speakers.svg b/.icons/awkward/64x64/devices/audio-speakers.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a7a2dbb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/.icons/awkward/64x64/devices/audio-speakers.svg @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="64" height="64" version="1"> + <rect style="fill:#4f4f4f" width="40" height="52" x="-52" y="6" rx="2.5" ry="2.6" transform="scale(-1,1)"/> + <circle style="opacity:0.4" cx="-36" cy="32" r="18" transform="matrix(0,-1,1,0,0,0)"/> + <circle style="opacity:0.2" cx="-37" cy="-32" r="14" transform="matrix(0,-1,-1,0,0,0)"/> + <circle style="fill:#fec006" cx="-36" cy="-32" r="14" transform="matrix(0,-1,-1,0,0,0)"/> + <circle style="fill:#3f3f3f" cx="-36" cy="-32" r="6" transform="matrix(0,-1,-1,0,0,0)"/> + <circle style="opacity:0.4" cx="14" cy="-20" r="2" transform="matrix(0,1,-1,0,0,0)"/> + <circle style="opacity:0.4" cx="14" cy="-44" r="2" transform="matrix(0,1,-1,0,0,0)"/> + <path style="opacity:0.2" d="m 12,55.398438 0,1 C 12,57.838437 13.115,59 14.5,59 l 35,0 c 1.384,0 2.5,-1.161563 2.5,-2.601562 l 0,-1 C 52,56.838437 50.884,58 49.5,58 l -35,0 C 13.115,58 12,56.838437 12,55.398438 Z"/> + <path style="opacity:0.1;fill:#ffffff" d="M 14.5,6 C 13.115,6 12,7.1606587 12,8.6004338 L 12,9.6 c 0,-1.4397751 1.115,-2.6004338 2.5,-2.6004338 l 35,0 c 1.384,0 2.5,1.1606587 2.5,2.6004338 L 52,8.6004338 C 52,7.1606587 50.884,6 49.5,6 l -35,0 z"/> +</svg> diff --git a/.icons/awkward/64x64/devices/battery.svg b/.icons/awkward/64x64/devices/battery.svg new 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8.5 14 z"/> +</svg> diff --git a/.icons/awkward/64x64/devices/camera-web.svg b/.icons/awkward/64x64/devices/camera-web.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c12ad4b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/.icons/awkward/64x64/devices/camera-web.svg @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="64" height="64" version="1"> + <path style="opacity:0.2" d="m 4.050798,32.000828 c -0.0118,0.33399 -0.050799,0.661981 -0.050799,0.999971 C 3.9999994,48.512357 16.487643,61 31.9992,61 47.510757,61 59.998401,48.512357 59.998401,33.000799 c 0,-0.33767 -0.03904,-0.665261 -0.05078,-0.999971 -0.527985,15.041571 -12.775635,26.999229 -27.949202,26.999229 -15.173967,0 -27.4212171,-11.957658 -27.949202,-26.999229 z"/> + <path style="fill:#4f4f4f" d="m 31.9992,4.0016559 c -15.511557,0 -27.9992006,12.4876431 -27.9992006,27.9992001 0,15.511558 12.4876436,27.999201 27.9992006,27.999201 15.511557,0 27.999201,-12.487643 27.999201,-27.999201 0,-15.511557 -12.487644,-27.9992001 -27.999201,-27.9992001 z"/> + 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cy="18" r="1"/> + <circle cx="5" cy="14" r="1"/> + <circle cx="5" cy="11" r="1"/> + <circle cx="27" cy="8" r="1"/> + <circle cx="27" cy="5" r="1"/> + <circle cx="24" cy="5" r="1"/> + <circle cx="24" cy="27" r="1"/> + <circle cx="27" cy="27" r="1"/> + <circle cx="27" cy="24" r="1"/> + <circle cx="5" cy="24" r="1"/> + <circle cx="5" cy="27" r="1"/> + <circle cx="5" cy="8" r="1"/> + </g> + <g style="fill:#ffdc65" transform="scale(2)"> + <circle cx="8" cy="8" r="1"/> + <circle cx="11" cy="8" r="1"/> + <circle cx="14" cy="8" r="1"/> + <circle cx="18" cy="8" r="1"/> + <circle cx="21" cy="8" r="1"/> + <circle cx="24" cy="8" r="1"/> + <circle cx="24" cy="11" r="1"/> + <circle cx="24" cy="14" r="1"/> + <circle cx="24" cy="18" r="1"/> + <circle cx="24" cy="21" r="1"/> + <circle cx="24" cy="24" r="1"/> + <circle cx="21" cy="24" r="1"/> + <circle cx="18" cy="24" r="1"/> + <circle cx="14" cy="24" r="1"/> + <circle cx="11" cy="24" r="1"/> + <circle cx="8" cy="24" r="1"/> + <circle cx="8" cy="21" r="1"/> + <circle cx="8" cy="18" r="1"/> + <circle cx="8" cy="14" r="1"/> + <circle cx="8" cy="11" r="1"/> + <circle cx="11" cy="5" r="1"/> + <circle cx="14" cy="5" r="1"/> + <circle cx="18" cy="5" r="1"/> + <circle cx="21" cy="5" r="1"/> + <circle cx="27" cy="11" r="1"/> + <circle cx="27" cy="14" r="1"/> + <circle cx="27" cy="18" r="1"/> + <circle cx="27" cy="21" r="1"/> + <circle cx="21" cy="27" r="1"/> + <circle cx="18" cy="27" r="1"/> + <circle cx="14" cy="27" r="1"/> + <circle cx="5" cy="24" r="1"/> + <circle cx="5" cy="21" r="1"/> + <circle cx="5" cy="18" r="1"/> + <circle cx="5" cy="14" r="1"/> + <circle cx="5" cy="11" r="1"/> + <circle cx="27" cy="24" r="1"/> + <circle cx="27" cy="27" r="1"/> + <circle cx="24" cy="27" r="1"/> + <circle cx="27" cy="8" r="1"/> + <circle cx="27" cy="5" r="1"/> + <circle cx="24" cy="5" r="1"/> + <circle cx="5" cy="27" r="1"/> + <circle cx="11" cy="27" r="1"/> + <circle cx="5" cy="8" r="1"/> + </g> + <path style="fill:#ffffff;opacity:0.1" d="M 6.8008 4 C 5.2496 4 4 5.2496 4 6.8008 L 4 7.8008 C 4 6.2496 5.2496 5 6.8008 5 L 57.199 5 C 58.75 5 60 6.2496 60 7.8008 L 60 6.8008 C 60 5.2496 58.75 4 57.199 4 L 6.8008 4 z"/> + <path style="fill:#ffffff;opacity:0.1" d="M 26.801 22 C 24.142 22 22 24.142 22 26.801 L 22 27.801 C 22 25.142 24.142 23 26.801 23 L 37.199 23 C 39.858 23 42 25.142 42 27.801 L 42 26.801 C 42 24.142 39.858 22 37.199 22 L 26.801 22 z"/> +</svg> diff --git a/.icons/awkward/64x64/devices/device_cpu.svg b/.icons/awkward/64x64/devices/device_cpu.svg new file mode 120000 index 00000000..34777565 --- /dev/null +++ b/.icons/awkward/64x64/devices/device_cpu.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +cpu.svg
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35 C 17 34.446 17.446 34 18 34 L 24 34 C 24.554 34 25 34.446 25 35 L 25 34 C 25 33.446 24.554 33 24 33 L 18 33 z M 29 33 C 28.446 33 28 33.446 28 34 L 28 35 C 28 34.446 28.446 34 29 34 L 35 34 C 35.554 34 36 34.446 36 35 L 36 34 C 36 33.446 35.554 33 35 33 L 29 33 z M 40 33 C 39.446 33 39 33.446 39 34 L 39 35 C 39 34.446 39.446 34 40 34 L 46 34 C 46.554 34 47 34.446 47 35 L 47 34 C 47 33.446 46.554 33 46 33 L 40 33 z M 18 44 C 17.446 44 17 44.446 17 45 L 17 46 C 17 45.446 17.446 45 18 45 L 24 45 C 24.554 45 25 45.446 25 46 L 25 45 C 25 44.446 24.554 44 24 44 L 18 44 z M 29 44 C 28.446 44 28 44.446 28 45 L 28 46 C 28 45.446 28.446 45 29 45 L 35 45 C 35.554 45 36 45.446 36 46 L 36 45 C 36 44.446 35.554 44 35 44 L 29 44 z M 40 44 C 39.446 44 39 44.446 39 45 L 39 46 C 39 45.446 39.446 45 40 45 L 46 45 C 46.554 45 47 45.446 47 46 L 47 45 C 47 44.446 46.554 44 46 44 L 40 44 z"/> +</svg> diff --git a/.icons/awkward/64x64/devices/input-gaming.svg b/.icons/awkward/64x64/devices/input-gaming.svg 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2.9999571,2.9999571 0 0 0 3,3 2.9999571,2.9999571 0 0 0 3,-3 2.9999571,2.9999571 0 0 0 -3,-3 z m 10,0 a 2.9999571,2.9999571 0 0 0 -3,3 2.9999571,2.9999571 0 0 0 3,3 2.9999571,2.9999571 0 0 0 3,-3 2.9999571,2.9999571 0 0 0 -3,-3 z M 17,31 a 2.9999571,2.9999571 0 0 0 -3,3 2.9999571,2.9999571 0 0 0 3,3 2.9999571,2.9999571 0 0 0 3,-3 2.9999571,2.9999571 0 0 0 -3,-3 z m 10,0 a 2.9999571,2.9999571 0 0 0 -3,3 2.9999571,2.9999571 0 0 0 3,3 2.9999571,2.9999571 0 0 0 3,-3 2.9999571,2.9999571 0 0 0 -3,-3 z m 10,0 a 2.9999571,2.9999571 0 0 0 -3,3 2.9999571,2.9999571 0 0 0 3,3 2.9999571,2.9999571 0 0 0 3,-3 2.9999571,2.9999571 0 0 0 -3,-3 z m 10,0 a 2.9999571,2.9999571 0 0 0 -3,3 2.9999571,2.9999571 0 0 0 3,3 2.9999571,2.9999571 0 0 0 3,-3 2.9999571,2.9999571 0 0 0 -3,-3 z M 13.333984,43 C 12.594959,43 12,43.669012 12,44.5 l 0,3 c 0,0.830988 0.594959,1.5 1.333984,1.5 l 37.332032,0 C 51.405041,49 52,48.330988 52,47.5 l 0,-3 C 52,43.669012 51.405041,43 50.666016,43 l -37.332032,0 z"/> + <rect 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