--- title: "Software I Use" --- # Here are the programs I use on a daily basis These are some great (mostly free) and open source apps/programs that I use (and you should too!) ## Desktop Programs: - ### Operating System: I use [Arch](https://archlinux.org) btw - ### Web Browser: [librewolf](https://librewolf.net) - ### Terminal Emulator: [Alacritty.](https://alacritty.org/) best terminal. - ### Image Editor: [GIMP.](https://gimp.org) This is a no-adobe household. - ### Video Editor: [Kdenlive](https://kdenlive.org) is pretty crashy but eh shotcut won't even work. Also it's gotten much better since 2020 (when I first started using it) - ### Screen Recorder: Do I even need to say it? [OBS](https://obsproject.com). - ### Text Editor: [Recently](/blog/2022/i-switched-to-emacs) switched to [Doom Emacs](https://github.com/doomemacs/doomemacs), before that it was[NeoVim](https://neovim.io). - ### Email Client: [Thunderbird](https://thunderbird.net) because I'm too lazy to configure mutt/neomutt. - ### File Manager: I have both [lf](https://github.com/gokcehan/lf) and pcmanfm on my system but those are for noobs. `cd`, `rm`, `mv`, `cp` are the best things. - ### Shell: [Fish](https://fishshell.com/) but I might go back to zsh idk - ### Window Manager: [XMonad](https://xmonad.org/) is the best window manager and you can't prove me otherwise. If you want to see my config files (along with polybar and stuff) see my [dots repo](https://github.com/MikunoNaka/dots) - ### RSS Feed Reader: [newsboat](https://newsboat.org/) - ### MyAnimeList Client: Btw, I use [macli](/docs/macli) - ### Password Manager: [KeepassXC](https://keepassxc.org/) is dope ## Mobile Programs: All of these apps are on - ### Operating System: Stock android because my phone has an intact warranty. - ### Camera: I use [OpenCamera](https://f-droid.org/packages/net.sourceforge.opencamera/) because the default cam on Lineage is horrible. - ### YouTube Client: [Newpipe](https://newpipe.net/) is beautiful. - ### Web Browser: Firefox for android is garbage, but [Firefox Focus](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/browsers/mobile/focus/) is somehow the best! I use [ffupdater](https://f-droid.org/packages/de.marmaro.krt.ffupdater/) to download and update privacy respecting web browsers on my phone. - ### TOTP App: [FreeOTP+](https://freeotp.github.io/) is a great authenticator app. Best alternative to Google Authenticator! - ### Backup App: Custom nextcloud instance paired up with the official [nextcloud app](https://f-droid.org/packages/com.nextcloud.client/) and [DAVx5](https://www.davx5.com/) to back up contacts. - ### RSS Feed Reader: [Feeder](https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.nononsenseapps.feeder/) - ### Reddit Client: No longer use Reddit but [RedReader](https://f-droid.org/packages/org.quantumbadger.redreader/) supremacy! - ### Email Client: [K-9 Mail](https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.fsck.k9/) is a really good email client on F-Droid! ## Other: (i.e work on both platforms ig) - ### Cloud Storage, etc: [Nextcloud](https://nextcloud.com/) devs marry me!