--- title: "Update Manga" description: "Update every field of an manga" weight: 14 --- The `UpdateManga` method combines all the other methods used to update any of the fields of an entry in the mangalist. **Warning: This method will overwrite every field of the specified manga. If you don't specify a field it'd be set back to the default option. Use it with caution at your own risk.** - `id int` ID of the manga - `updateData `[`UpdateMangaData`](/docs/mal2go/v4/user/manga/types/#mal2gousermangaupdatemangadata) A struct containing all the fields that need to be updated. **If a field is missing it will be set to the default option.** Example: ``` go package main import ( "github.com/MikunoNaka/MAL2Go/v4/user/manga" "log" "fmt" ) func main() { authToken := "YOUR_TOKEN_HERE" myClient := manga.Client { AuthToken: "Bearer " + authToken, } updateData := manga.UpdateMangaData { Status: "reading", IsRereading: false, Score: 10, ChaptersRead: 20, Priority: 2, TimesReread: 0, RereadValue: 0, Tags: "", Comments: "", } res, err := myClient.UpdateManga(82745, updateData) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Println(res) } ``` This is useful if you want to update many things without making too many API calls. You can get the previously set data with the `GetMangaById` method, if a value needs to be unchanged, just use the previously set value returned by GetMangaById. This way, you can update multiple fields with only two API calls. The [response](/docs/mal2go/v4/user/manga/types/#mal2gousermangaupdateresponse) from the API can be used to show the information of the manga after being updated.