--- title: I am allowed to use these anime images from danbooru | vidhukant.xyz img: /images/gray-area/sakurajima_mai.webp imgAlt: Sakurajima Mai from Seishun Buta Yarou Series --- # The anime images on this website are taken from Danbooru The anime images on are taken from which is an image board website. Danbooru's [Terms of Service](https://danbooru.donmai.us/terms_of_service) allows me to distribute the images uploaded by users. If you think there was a mistake and I don't have the rights to use these images, and you want them to be taken down, please [contact](/contact/) me. # Where you can find such images These are the images on my website that are taken from Danbooru. - On the [homepage](/) there is an image taken from danbooru on the second section - On the [contact page](/contact/) on the right side (on desktops) or at the top (on mobile) - On [the current page](/danbooru-notice/) on the right side (on desktops) or at the top (on mobile) If not specified otherwise, I own the rights all of the other images. All the images and text on this website are under the [CC BY-NC-SA](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) license unless stated otherwise on this page or anywhere else.