baseURL = '' languageCode = 'en-in' title = "Vidhu Kant Sharma's Website" copyright = " Copyright © 2022 Vidhu Kant Sharma <>
The text and image content on this website is under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 unless stated otherwise.
" theme = "vidhukant-hugo" [params] gifs = [ "" , "" , "" , "" ] mainPictureURL = "/images/vidhukant.webp" mainPictureAlt = "Vidhu Kant's Image" blogTitle = "Vidhu Kant's Blog" listsTitle = "Vidhu Kant's Lists" docsTitle = "Vidhu Kant's Docs" indexContent = """
Yo. I’m Vidhu Kant. I’m a hobbyist web developer, and I have a confession.
I was born at a very young age.
I sometimes make videos, though I haven’t settled down on a theme yet..
My Odysee channel is called MikunoNaka (and here's the YouTube mirror for the non pro hackers out there).
I code whatever I like, but I call myself a web developer because I mostly find myself doing full stack web dev stuff..
And I’m extremely efficient at picking up side projects, writing spaghetti code, and dropping the project after getting frustrated!
I like libre software, functional programming, customizing stuff and all the weeaboo garbage Japan can offer. I like to joke about being the “CEO” of Weeb Developerz, a developer group for weebs and (primarily web) developers. Apart from programming, I pick up new interests way too quickly and drop them at the same speed, but there’s still a long list of my hobbies that stick around. I hope I’d be able to talk about all of them on my blog.