/* * OpenBills - Self hosted browser app to generate and keep track of simple invoices * Version - 0 * Licensed under the MIT license - https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * * Copyright (c) 2021 Vidhu Kant Sharma */ import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react"; import axios from "axios"; import { Item } from "../../interfaces"; import AddNewItemForm from "./../Form/Items/AddNewItemForm"; import RegisterItemForm from "./../Form/Items/RegisterItemForm"; import RegisterPersonForm from "./../Form/People/RegisterPersonForm"; import DocumentInfoForm from "./../Form/Document/DocumentInfoForm"; import MetaInfoForm from "./../Form/Document/MetaInfoForm"; import ItemsDisplay from "./../Display/ItemsDisplay"; // import SummaryDisplay from "./../Display/SummaryDisplay"; const BillingPage: React.FC = () => { const [savedItems, getSavedItems] = useState([]); const [savedPeople, getSavedPeople] = useState([]); const [registerItemFormVisibility, setRegisterItemFormVisibility] = useState(false); const [registerPersonFormVisibility, setRegisterPersonFormVisibility] = useState(false); const [items, setItems] = useState([]); const getRegisteredItems = () => axios.get(`/api/items/get-all`) .then((res) => getSavedItems(res.data)) .catch((res) => console.log(res)); const getRegisteredPeople = () => axios.get(`/api/people/get-all`) .then((res) => getSavedPeople(res.data)) .catch((res) => console.log(res)); // get data from server on startup useEffect(() => { getRegisteredItems(); getRegisteredPeople(); }, []); // TODO: to be handled by backend const defGSTValue = 18; // update the items from AddNewItemForm const getItems = (item: Item) => setItems([...items, item]); return ( <> {registerItemFormVisibility && } {registerPersonFormVisibility && }
); // this goes after metainfoform // } export default BillingPage;