# Restart hotkey daemon super + shift + x killall sxhkd && sxhkd & # spawn command launcher alt + Return run_dmenu # hlwm keybindings # focus windows super + {h,j,k,l} herbstclient focus {left,down,up,right} # move windows super + shift + {h,j,k,l} herbstclient shift {left,down,up,right} # resizing frames / floating windows super + alt + {h,j,k,l} herbstclient resize {left,down,up,right} # cycle through windows alt + {j,k} herbstclient cycle_all {+1,-1} # cycle through workspaces alt + {h,l} herbstclient use_index {-1,+1} --skip-visible # jump to urgent window super + u herbstclient jumpto urgent # layouting # toggle fullscreen on current client super + f herbstclient fullscreen toggle # toggle floating on current client super + i herbstclient set_attr clients.focus.floating toggle # toggle floating on all clients on current ws super + shift + i herbstclient floating toggle # toggle pseudotiling on current client super + y herbstclient pseudotile toggle # splitting frames alt + shift + {h,j,k,l} herbstclient split {left,bottom,top,right} 0.5 # delete current frame alt + n herbstclient remove # explode into different subframes alt + m herbstclient split explode # move between tags (tag 1 to 10 are handled by hc super + {q,w,e} herbstclient use_index {10,11,12} # move windows to tags super + shift + {q,w,e} herbstclient move_index {10,11,12}