# discord-custom-input Merge two or more audio streams to share desktop audio on discord/any other program ## How to install To download and make script executable: ``` curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MikunoNaka/discord-custom-input/main/discord_input.sh > discord_input.sh chmod +x discord_input.sh ``` I recommend moving the script to your $PATH. ## How to use Run the script with `./discord_input.sh` NOTE: You can configure the loopbacks created using pavucontrol. ### Arguments available - Specify the number of sources/streams to merge together with `-n` ``` discord_input.sh -n 3 # merges 3 streams together ``` If not specified, it will ask you - Automatically change discord's input if you are in a VC with `-s yes|no|ask` ``` discord_input.sh -s ask # default option, asks if you want to switch discord's input discord_input.sh -s no # don't switch discord's input discord_input.sh -s yes # switch discord's input ``` - Change name of new virtual sink created with `-N` ``` discord_input.sh -N MySinkName ``` Helps avoid confusion if you are using multiple instances of this. - Change description of new virtual sink with `-D` ``` discord_input.sh -D MySinkDescription ``` ## Licence Licenced under GNU General Public Licence GNU GPL Licence: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/ Copyright (c) 2021 Vidhu Kant Sharma